Saturday, October 20, 2012

Meaning of Ministry

Impact Movement/SOS (Strengthening Our Salvation) Leadership meeting on Thurs 10.18.12

I am a part of a group called Impact/SOS at the University of Washington in Seattle. Impact is about taking the truth of Jesus Christ to the campus, community, and the world by producing leaders of African descent who are spiritually focused, financially responsible, and morally fit. SOS is a bible study that an alumni, Taji Ellis, started during her time at the UW that was later merged with Impact. It's a mainly black campus ministry. Why I am in it you may ask? A Japanese American? Because God has called me into this cross cultural exchange like He did with the apostles in early church planting history.

Anyways, we had been struggling as a ministry. Hard. And for about two years.

Coming into this year, it's definitely been clear that we've been trying so hard to make plans and events when really it's the relationships that have been missing. It was like drawing somebody to a tree that's cool with maybe some nice shade but with no fruit to eat to take on the road (to plant more seeds to become more trees and bear mo fruit and so on).

Frustrations. Heartache. Pain and suffering. All last year. We definitely had triumphs and joyful moments but there were definitely valleys.

Had so much heartbreak from last year that the three of us didn't even want to talk over the summer! We seemed to all have the same question on our hearts, "What ever happened to the ministry?" It turned into a business with business meetings and planning more than a place of God space.

It was already four weeks into school and we hadn't had a bible study yet. Minimal outreach by Impact/sos to freshman. But we needed to get right as leaders before putting on meetings. We needed divine help.

I am learning that revival must start from within first. We cannot expect a revival to happen in others when it hasn't started from within.

We took to prayer. We took to love. We took to realizing our brokenness. We took to forgiving one another.
We took to getting back to the first ministry with God. Cause He got left out of our plans, when He's the author of our lives! Crazy right? Happens. And easily.

Last night we talked about the vision of impact/sos and the meaning of ministry. Bottom line: it's all about Relationships! Love God, Love others.

Luke 10: 27-28 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And He said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this and you will live.”

We were still confused on what to call ourselves as a ministry as Impact and SOS seemed to be two different ministries. We didn't come up with a vision for the year or a plan. It was frustrating. I was thinking how can we get started without a more solid plan and vision for the year?

This might sound contrary to wisdom, but we are moving forward without a plan. I believe in the importance of having a vision for the year and plan but I believe that at this time the spirit was just saying Go. Just Go. Go and make disciples. The plan will come later.
We're Bringing it back to relationships. I relate this to a kid just strapping on running shoes with no mileage plan or route, but just running. The kid knows how to run. So he does. In due time, he will become more strategic. But for now, just hit the pavement.
...Less planning, less events, Mo Love.

So I thank God. We ended with a crazy stupid, Holy Spirit filled prayer. There was so much Joy and uplifting. There was brokenness and realizing God's Holiness. For me there was Love knowing that He came to bridge the gap between us and Him. Between Impact/SOS and the Lord God. Revival.

Then we just started fellowshipping. I told them more about the story of how I came to be with the amazing woman of God I am courting, Monique, who has changed so many areas of my life for the better in Christ. Someone who I can't Not smile when I tell others about her. I showed them pictures of me and Monique too. Then we just talked some more about different things. Good time!

And by the end of the night and four hours of meeting, I realized we were doing life together. For the first time in a while, I felt and knew we were doing Ministry.

Looking forward to the first meeting of the year: dinner and fellowship at my apt next week.

This is the inspiration for our vision! "This is Discipleship"

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