Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gospel: One night i will never forget in LA

Last Friday night was one of those nights I will never forget. I was in LA for thanksgiving so of course, I was visiting the fam. I was able to kick it with my homie, Maurice, and Tara, Leah, and of course my brother 4 life, Allah, at 3rd street and Venice beach boardwalk- my two favorite places 2 be in LA.

My favorite bboys of 3rd street promenade. They do their own thing... dancing with passion- to express, entertain... n support themselves n their loved ones of course! lol

@ Venice Beach

Luvin' it...

So afterwards, me and Allah went over to Rob's place and kicked it there for a cool minute. Then it was me, Allah, Rob, Ra'shee, Jodie (Steez) on our way to church. We were bumpin "Melodies From Heaven" on our way over and having a good time singing and clapping along to the music. Then we were at our location: Slaughterhouse Ministries, a church in Compton- what one might call a "Ghetto Gospel". This was the first time I had been to church in about 8 years, nonetheless a gospel so I was especially excited about being there. I wanted to know what being religious and "loving God" was all about. hahaa. Let me explain. For most of my life, I had never been religious... but still believed in a lot of the things these different religions preached.

The car ride over... Steez, me, an Allah

What happened at the church I will ALWAYS keep in remembrance and close to my heart. We read testaments from the bible with the preachers doing active, improvisational interpretations of those sections on the spot. I was impressed by how much the preachers knew and understood the bible and how they were able to apply their own twist to it from their own experience. They were real with it- no gimmicks, no facade. Never were they reading just directly out of the book. They brought truth to the reading- interpretated the bible in a way everybody in the sermon could relate to.

We were also given a time where we could speak to everybody else in the room about anything we wished we needed to say- such as being thankful for being in this place or certain problems and tribulations we were dealt with. Everybody that spoke was REAL. Talked straight from the soul- speaking about their struggles, triumphs, and insight to this world. About 3/4 of us went up to share something- including my brother, Allah. I didn't go up myself. Perhaps I was too shy or just didn't have anything to say at the time- I don't remember. But i was just taken aback by all the stories that were told. The atmosphere that was created enabled everybody to connect together in a spiritual way and allow us to deal with our problems as a whole.

Then came the part where many of us stepped to the front. One by one, the preachers started coming up to us... placing their hands on our foreheads, looking deep into our soul, communicating our problems, and offering solutions/fixes. I was one of the first that the preachers consoled to. This particular experience I will never forget. Its like he knew everything about me. Everything he spoke to me about was right- all the problems I was having in my life at the time. I was touched. And I felt that this preacher could relate to and connect with my soul. The preachers went up to everybody else... of all ages... from teenagers to grown adults. I saw so many cry out tears of pain... acceptance... understanding... and ultimately, revelation. I saw so many bawling, screaming out, falling to the ground. These are people that I'd thought I'd never see cry, including some of my friends. This was all so emotional... and REAL. I will never forget this.

At the end, I was given the opportunity to be baptized. I was highly considering doing it, but it was just my first time at church and in the hands of God. These feelings that were running through my mind, body, and soul were all so overwhelming at the time. I'd have to go back to consider being baptized again. But for now, I am very appreciative of the fact that I was able to be in church. This was a true revelation for me. Perhaps one of the most important nights of my life.

I believe that through church, I gained a stronger connection to my friends, most especially to one of my best friends, Allah. He allowed me the experience to come up to this church- to open my heart and soul out to the world. To become vulnerable, yet immensely powerful in knowing that I am not alone. I have my people. I have my best friend. I have God. Me n Allah, we are both in this journey called Life together. Brothers.

The Fam... Brandyn, Rob, Ra'shee, Allah

Alrite, now on a final sketch...

Ghetto Gospel

It was my turn
The preacher directed his vision into my eyes
Into his own I could see a million stories unfold
Stories of pain, hurt, confusion, sorrow, loss
Stories that were both originally his own and
Stories that became his own from those lives he had touched
He paused for a moment’s time
Peering into my own soul
And an outpour of truth flooded out
He spoke
Spoke in a calm, collected way
Spoke of the conflicts, troubles in my life
Spoke of the two forces ripping me apart from both ends
The forces of what I want to do and what I should do
Spoke of family- disconnect, sorrow, loneliness
Spoke of reality and what I was given to dealt with
He placed both hands on my forehead
Pushing, pushing
Sharing with me his strength and confidence
His will
Immense feelings of relief and gratitude overwhelmed me
This was somebody I could trust
Somebody that understood the true nature of sorrow,
The trials and tribulations
Somebody that would help guide me spiritually
And enable me to reach a higher state of being
Somebody I have never met before
Yet could say a thousand words about me in an instant’s time
Someone that had left me vulnerable,
Yet consolable
Yet mighty
Nothing kept shut in the darkness of Night
Strength depicted through the truth of eternal Light


1 comment:

  1. Yo Bro! Venice Beach is so DOPE! Every time I went to see the Fam down there, that's were we go, too many funny nights there, the pics brings me back.
